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Kikuchi Teiko


Kikuchi Teiko
12/11/1927 - 1/14/2023

Born 1927 in Tokyo. Graduated from Geidai (Tokyo University of the Arts)in 1948. Studied Ikuta-Ryū koto with both Miyagi Michio and Miyagi Kiyoko. Awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 1995 and the Order of the Precious Crown Fourth Class in 2001, both by the Emperor of Japan.



Play Button Aki no Kyoku 秋の曲 17'21 Classic Ensemble Music Vol 2
Play Button Awa Odori 阿波踊り 02'38 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Concerto for Eight Kotos and Chamber Orchestra 25'13 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 2
Play Button Five Metamorphic Strata for Shakuhachi, Sangen, Koto, and Jushichigen 22'00 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 3
Play Button Futozao Concerto 太棹協奏曲 19'12 Hibiki - Contemporary Music for Japanese Traditional Instruments - 4
Play Button Hanagasa Odori 花笠踊り 02'30 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Hiroshimano Sendouta 04'04 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Hogakki ni Yoru Rokujusokyoku 邦楽器による六重奏曲 20'11 Yamakawa Enshō Sakuhin-shū - Shin Hōgaku (Works of Yamakawa Enshō)
Play Button Hogakki no Tame no Shijusokyoku Dai Ichiban 邦楽器の為の四重奏曲 第一番 09'28 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 2
Play Button Itsuki no Komoriuta 五木の子守唄 04'08 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Kiso Bushi 木曽節 03'10 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Metamorphosen of Midare 09'43 Works of Ryohei Hirose
Play Button Music for Four Kotos 四面の箏のための音楽 09'26 Hibiki - Contemporary Music for Japanese Traditional Instruments - 2
Play Button Mutation 20'47 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 4
Play Button Nanbu Ushioi Uta 南部牛追唄 03'42 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Nihon Gakki no Tame no Shijusokyoku 日本楽器のための四重奏曲 16'31 Hibiki - Contemporary Music for Japanese Traditional Instruments - 1
Play Button Ochiba no Odori 落葉の踊り 07'15 Sokyoku Miyagi Michio Sakuhin Hen I
Play Button Otemoyan おてもやん 02'18 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Owashi Bushi 尾鷲節 03'02 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Quartet for shakuhachi, koto, and 17-string koto 1st movement 尺八・箏・十七絃の為の四重奏曲 第一楽章 03'29 Challenging Eternity Disk 17
Quartet for shakuhachi, koto, and 17-string koto 2nd movement 尺八・箏・十七絃の為の四重奏曲 第二楽章 07'12 Challenging Eternity Disk 17
Quartet for shakuhachi, koto, and 17-string koto 3rd movement 尺八・箏・十七絃の為の四重奏曲 第三楽章 02'17 Challenging Eternity Disk 17
Quartet for shakuhachi, koto, and 17-string koto 4th movement 尺八・箏・十七絃の為の四重奏曲 第四楽章 02'29 Challenging Eternity Disk 17
Play Button Reki 20'15 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 4
Play Button Rokujusokyoku 六重奏曲 09'03 Hibiki - Contemporary Music for Japanese Traditional Instruments - 1
Play Button Sado Okesa 佐渡おけさ 02'41 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Seoto 瀬音 05'18 Sō - Meikyoku no Shirabe (3) - Works by Miyagi Michio
Play Button Shakuhachi - Nimen no Koto to Jūshichigen no Tame no Shijusōkyoku 尺八、二面の箏、十七絃のための四重奏曲 15'13 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 3
Play Button Shakuhachi, Sangen to Nimen no Koto no Tame no Shijusokyoku 尺八、三弦と二面の箏のための四重奏曲 12'54 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 2
Play Button Shoeifu I - II 07'19 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 4
Play Button Shoeifu I - II 06'06 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 4
Play Button Sōma Bon Odoriuta 03'26 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Sōran Bushi ソラン節 03'31 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Play Button Suite for Kotos 箏のための組曲 12'06 Hibiki - Contemporary Music for Japanese Traditional Instruments - 2
Play Button Theme and Metamorphosis for Jushichigen 08'38 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 1
Play Button Toccata for Shakuhachi, Two Kotos, and Jushichigen 14'14 Developments of Japanese Traditional Music Works Interpreted by Yonin no Kai - Vol 3
Play Button Toruso トルソ 03'06 Works of Ryohei Hirose
Play Button Toruso トルソ 06'07 Works of Ryohei Hirose
Play Button Toruso トルソ 04'06 Works of Ryohei Hirose
Wakana 若葉 19'05 Wakana collection - performance study
Play Button Yasaburō Bushi 弥三郎節 02'40 Koto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group)
Wakana 若葉 19'05 Wakana collection - performance study