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Torii Komudō

鳥井 虚霧洞

Torii Komudō
2/1/1882 - 7/31/1970


Torii Komudō was born in Kumamoto on February 1, 1882. After graduating from the former Kumamoto Junior High School, he moved to Tokyo and attended Meiji University. In Tokyo, he began his shakuhachi studies at Chikuyusha, the famous school of Kawase Junsuke I. His many years of devotion and his natural talent for music soon made him a master of the art, and he was allowed to open his own dojo in Tokyo. At that time, his bamboo (performance) name "Wakana" was well known as a shakuhachi player with remarkable memorization skills.
However, after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, he moved back to his hometown of Kumamoto and established his own dojo as the Wakana-kai. There he took the name Komudō. He worked with shamisen master Hase Daikengyo (Yuki) to further his own understanding of the essence of Jiuta.
In 1969, in an autumn Conferment of Decoration ceremony, he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, and a celebratory concert was held in Kumamoto City on February 22 of 1970.
He was an important figure in the world of traditional Japanese music, having collaborated with Jiuta shamisen master Abe Keiko, a Living National Treasure, recording famous pieces such as Zangetsu, Wakana, Yube no Kumo, and Shin Musume Dojoji.
His high artistic standards helped to spread and improve the shakuhachi tradition while fostering many masters, including Yoshida Seifu, and continues to this day.
A man of tenacious spirit, it’s said he always enjoyed a cup of sake.
He passed away from complications of a stroke on July 31, 1970, at the age of 88.

別名 鳥井 謙次 (Torii Kenji) ; 鳥井若菜 (Torii Wakana)



Shin Musume Dōjōji 新娘道成寺 17'39 Abe Keiko Record Set - 08 尺八
Shin Musume Dōjōji 新娘道成寺 17'53 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 31 尺八
Wakana 若葉 19'22 Abe Keiko Record Set - 04 尺八
Wakana 若葉 19'31 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 28 尺八
Wakana 若葉 13'05 Traditional Music of Japan, The - 02 尺八
Yūbe no Kumo 夕辺の雲 18'13 Abe Keiko Record Set - 10 尺八
Yūbe no Kumo 夕辺の雲 18'27 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 06 尺八
Zangetsu 残月 22'07 Abe Keiko Record Set - 02 尺八
Zangetsu 残月 Hōgaku Taikei Vol. 3 - Sōkyoku - Shakuhachi 1 (LP 1) 尺八
Zangetsu 残月 22'22 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 23 尺八