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Koizumi Fumio

小泉 文夫

Koizumi Fumio
3/29/1927 - 8/20/1983


Japanese ethnomusicologist, Koizumi Fumio graduated in aesthetics at Tokyo University in 1951 and studied music with Eishi Kikkawa. From 1960 he was assistant professor and then full professor at Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music). In 1967 and 1971 he visited the USA to teach at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. In addition to his special field of Japanese folk music, he took a broad interest in all folk traditions and made frequent field studies during the period 1957-82 in India, Iran, the Near East, eastern Europe, South America, Indonesia and countries along the ancient Silk Road that linked China with the West; the result in 1981 was the monumental set of 50 LPs entitled Minzoku ongaku dai-shusei (‘The Great Anthology of Traditional Music’). As an influential teacher and successful speaker on radio and television he further established the popularity of traditional music. His research materials are preserved in the Koizumi Fumio Memorial Room at Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku and in 1989 the Koizumi Fumio Prize was introduced to promote the research and performance of traditional music. The Festschrift Shominzoku no oto [‘Sounds of Various Nations’], ed. T. Sakurai and others (Tokyo, 1986) is a commemorative collection of Koizumi´s papers and contains a detailed biography.


Titel Kanji Veröffentlicher Jahr Seiten Sprache
Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective. (Edited with Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi)

Tokyo: Heibonsha 1977

Musical Scales in Japanese Music. In Asian Musics in an Asian Perspective, (Edited with Yoshihiko Tokumaru and Osamu Yamaguchi)

Tokyo: Heibonsha 1977 73-79
Nihon ongaku no onkai to senpo [Scales and Modes of Japanese Music]. In Nihon no Onkai, edited by Toyo Ongaku Gakkai

Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1982 51-81
Nihon ongaku to sono shuhen : Kikkawa Eishi sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshu [Japanese Music and Related Issues: Essays in Commemoration of the Professor Kikkawa Eishi's Sixtieth Birthday]. (Edited with Akira Hoshi and Osamu Yamaguchi)

Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha 1973

Shakuhachi to sono doruitachi [Shakuhachi and Its Related Instruments]. In Descriptive Notes for LP recording Shakuhachi 1969 (SWS 3) by Hirose Ryohei

Nippon Crown 1969 14-15