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Matsukaze (Yamada Ryū)


[作曲様式]Uta mono
[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[対象楽器]湖出市十郎 - 尺八
初代中能島松聲 - 箏

発祥 (柘植 元一):

In the late Edo period, a princess from the Date family (of Uwajima, Shikoku) was married to a titled man of the Matsudaira family (of Shimabara, Kyushu). Upon the unexpected early death of her husband, she, being an accomplished koto player, received a fine koto as a gift to console her in her deep sorrow. The koto bore the name Matsukaze ('Wind in the Pines'). The young widow spent the rest of her life playing the koto and writing waka poetry.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

The shadow
Of the judas tree in the moon
Wind blows
Along a sandy path
Which is so polished
In the bright moonlight,
It seems like day.
The spreading vista
Has neither cherry blossoms
Nor fall foliage.

Autumn grows old
At the thatched-roof hut by the bay.
The fishergirl
Is unable to sleep.
Aged by the saltwater,
Her garments chill her.
And the sound of the fulling-block
Is so sorrowful!

Like the sedge mat of Tofu Village,
You took up most of the room in bed.
I was content with the rest.
Recalling the happy times gone by
When we were so close
To one another,
I feel even more
My sleeves drenched
With wave upon wave of tears.
Pulling his sleeves
As he was leaving,
I wished 'If only the
Autumn nights were longer.'
Tears of regret at parting
Never cease.
Names recalling the sea
In speaking of the koto.
The wind blowing
Through the pines on the beach.

Sound of nature -
And the wild geese
Above the clouds
Join in the music.
They add their voices.
The sound of the waves
Purifies my heart
'Music of the Autumn Winds'
Must have resembled this.

How delightful!
My splendid koto
Accompanied by the sound of
The 'Wind in the Pines'
Should have been played
To prove a thousand years
Thy life may last,
As long as its strings,
Never ending!
Mount Mikasa
Would enjoy thy love
Even eight million years.
Hisakata no
tsuki no katsura no
kage takaku
kaze fukiokuri
masagoji wo
hikari wo ba
hiru ka to bakari
hana mo momiji mo
Ura no tomaya ni
aki fukete
uchi mo nerarezu
amabito wa
sode sabumi
kinuta no oto mo
urami nari


Tofu no sugagomo
mifu ni neshi
mukashi shinobeba
warizume no
warinaki naka mo
nani urazuri no
sode wa namida no
kaeru tamoto wo
hikiren ni
aki no yo nagashi
nagakare to
nagori wa tsukinu
umi to yobu na ni
yukari aru
isobe no matsu wo
fuku kaze mo
Onozukara naru
shirabe niwa
kumoi no kari mo
kotoji shite
otsura manima ni
koe soete
kokoro wo sumasu
nami no oto
shuufuuraku ya
kore naran


matsukaze no
shirabe soetaru
tama-goto wa
chiyo no tameshi ni
hiku ito no
nagaki yo kakete
yaoyorozuyo mo
kimi ga megumi ya

松風 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 54 箏 : 中能島 欣一
尺八 : 納富治彦
歌 : 中能島 慶子
尺八 : 二世 納富 寿童

Sōkyoku: Yamada-ryū - Meikyoku no Shirabe (vol. 4) 箏 : 安藤南美井
尺八 : 初世 納富 寿童
三弦 : 二世山勢 松韻
箏 : 初世 伊藤 松超
歌 : 福智萬寿栄

Yamada - 03 歌 : 二世 上原真 佐喜
箏 : 二世 上原真 佐喜
三弦 : 五世 鳥居 登名美

Yamada Ryū Sōkyoku Tokusen 2 - Okayasu Ginuta (山田流箏曲特選 二ー岡康砧) 歌 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 中能島 慶子
歌 : 二世 藤井 千代賀
箏 : 二世 藤井 千代賀
歌 : 三世山勢松韻
三弦 : 三世山勢松韻

Yamada-Ryū Sōkyoku Tokusen 箏 : 真鍋静勢
三弦 : 三世山勢松韻
歌 : 佐藤俊勢
歌 : 二世山勢 松韻
箏 : 二世山勢 松韻