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[Escuela]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[También Conocido Como]さむしろ - Small Bed-mat
[Compuesto]Ariwara Kōtō - Koto
Ariwara Kōtō - Shamisen

Poema (translated by John Tedford)


Last Autumn
at the time of the
turning of the maple leaves,
counting the cycles
of the moon,
days pass upon days,
waiting --
fruitless task.
rain showers fall
Even the evergreen color of
the pine trees, like youthful beauty,
must fade from longing.
The sleeves of my
kimono are worn with age.



The rain has stopped
Sounds of crickets pervade
the stillness of the autumn night;
the midnight bell
pierces the quiet.
I lie in bed alone.
A dream unrealized
and yet I dream still,
longing for days long past
when once was love and innocence.

Samushiro aparece en los siguientes álbumes

Álbum Artista

Ikuta Ryu Sokyoku Senshu Volume 02 (下) Shamisen : Yazaki Akiko
Voz : Miyagi Kazue
Koto : Miyagi Kazue

Kikuhara Hatsuko Zenshu vol. 16 Voz : Kikuhara Hatsuko
Shamisen : Kikuhara Koji
Koto : Kikutsuki Akiko

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 15 (続三曲合奏大全集15) Voz : Iwata Jūka
Koto : Iwata Jūka
Voz : Inoue Michiko
Shamisen : Inoue Michiko
Shakuhachi : Yamaguchi Gorō
Voz : Togashi Noriko
Shamisen : Togashi Noriko

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 3 Shamisen : Sasagawa Shizue
Koto : Suzuki Kazuko

Sō - Shamisen - Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū Koto : Ueno Kazuko
Voz : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko

Sōkyoku Jiuta Gassō-shū (disc 2) Shakuhachi : Araki Kodō V
Voz : Yanase Kazuko
Shamisen : Yanase Kazuko
Voz : Mochitsuki Masako
Koto : Mochitsuki Masako

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 26 Voz : Yonekawa Toshiko
Koto : Yonekawa Toshiko
Voz : Satō Chikaki
Shamisen : Satō Chikaki
Play ButtonTogashi Noriko - 04 Shamisen : Togashi Noriko