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Shinya no Tsuki


[Escuela]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[También Conocido Como]The Moon at Midnight
[Compuesto]Yaezaki Kengyō - Koto
Matsuura Kengyō - Shamisen

Poema (translated by John Tedford)


Against the mountain's edge
a single line appears:
the first wild geese of Autumn.
Even their voices are lonely,
calling in vain
echoing the empty words [of love]
that fill a person's heart.
The sorrow
of our reluctant parting
pervades both dreams
and waking hours.
[To think] that person
does not know how my
thoughts of love
flow like a river of tears
reflecting images:
could these be the shadows
of birds that take to the sky
at the sound of the [temple] bell?


But thus it cannot be.
The one I love
is like a savage wind
piercing my misfortune
with its violent passion.
And yet I bear
no bitterness...
From the leaves of the kohagi bush
the white dew
dissolves and drips
on the hem of my sleeve.
My loving heart
fades, grows frail.
Myriad insect voices,
crying, pierce
the deepening darkness
of the moonlit autumn night.

Shinya no Tsuki aparece en los siguientes álbumes

Álbum Artista

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11) Voz : Yonekawa Toshiko II
Shamisen : Yonekawa Toshiko II
Koto : Asahina ToshifumI
Shakuhachi : Kitahara Kōzan II

Seiha Hogakkai Play Favorites 02 - Matsuura Kengyo Koto : Nakashima Yasuko
Voz : Yuize Shin'ichi
Shamisen : Yuize Shin'ichi

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 27 Voz : Yonekawa Toshiko
Shamisen : Yonekawa Toshiko